Monday, August 24, 2009

Peter From Frammish

So I'm asleep and I'm dreamin', and in my dream my phone is ringin', and I answer it.
"Hello, Ken Hogan?"
"It's Peter, from Frammish."
"Peter, from Frammish." 
I said, "From where?"
And he says FRAMMISH!" and he sounded annoyed.

Sometimes in dreams you just know something. 
I knew that he was calling to offer me a job. Frammish was some kind of company, I guess...
So, in a delighted tone, I said, "OH! Peter! From FRAMMISH!"

...and then my wife's alarm clock went off...BEEP!BEEP! BEEP! ...and I woke up.
She says, "What were you saying?"
I said, "I was talking to Peter from Frammish."
She said "Who? What are you talking about?"
I said "Peter, from Frammish. He was offering me a job."
"I'm Peter, from Frammish."
She said "Stop saying that!" and she got up. 
She was fishing around in her drawer for some socks or something, and I just had to say it again...
 "It's Peter, from Frammish."
And she turned around and said "SHUT UP! 
ENOUGH with this  Peter, from Frammish!" 
And she walked out and slammed the door, and left.

...And I found myself laying in bed confused.
I didn't get the job. My wife was mad at me, and there was no way I could get back to sleep.
All because of that asshole Peter, from Frammish.